Digital Logos Edition
The church is dying—or is it? For decades, churches have wrestled with declining membership and waning cultural engagement. Young adults have left the church, more and more people sleep in on Sunday, and, for many the Gospel seems irrelevant and unfocused. In the face of mounting challenges, how can the church continue to effectively and compassionately carry out the mission of God to a broken world?
The books in the B&H Church Growth Collection confront the central challenges that hinder evangelism and impede vital growth. This collection includes the contributions of top pastors and missions experts on important issues facing churches today, such as:
Most importantly, these authors offer practical advice for growing healthy churches, cultivating strong relationships, engaging culture, and helping the Gospel make sense in a post-modern context. The depth of analysis and practical advice offered in these books makes this collection ideal for pastors, evangelists, missional leaders, and for churches seeking to discern their role in meeting the real needs of a hurting world.