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Getting “Saved”: The Whole Story of Salvation in the New Testament

Digital Logos Edition

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What does it mean to “get saved”? Is conversion a gift of God’s grace but the post-conversion Christian life in our own hands? Is the covenant relationship sustained by a sense of personal gratitude for God’s past gift of conversion—or is post-conversion faithfulness itself an ongoing gift from God?

In this book, Charles H. Talbert and Jason A. Whitlark, together with Andrew E. Arterbury, Clifford A. Barbarick, Scott J. Hafemann, and Michael W. Martin, address such questions about God’s role in the Christian’s life. Through careful, consistent exegesis of relevant New Testament texts, they show that “getting saved” involves both God’s forgiveness and God’s enablement to obey—or “new covenant piety”—from initial conversion to eschatological salvation.

In the Logos edition, this volume is enhanced by amazing functionality. Important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

Want similar titles? Check out Eerdmans New Testament Studies Collection (23 vols.) for more!

  • Addresses questions about God’s role in the Christian’s life
  • Presents careful exegesis of relevant New Testament texts
  • Discusses initial conversion to eschatological
  • “Paul, Judaism, and the Revisionists” by Charles H. Talbert
  • “Enabling Χάρις: Transformation of the Convention of Reciprocity by Philo and in Ephesians” by Jason A. Whitlark
  • “Between Two Epiphanies: Clarifying One Aspect of Soteriology in the Pastoral Epistles” by Charles H. Talbert
  • “Fidelity and New Covenant Enablement in Hebrews” by Jason A. Whitlark
  • “Indicative and Imperative in Matthean Soteriology” by Charles H. Talbert
  • “Salvation, Grace, and Isaiah’s New Exodus in Mark” by Michael W. Martin
  • “‘I Have Prayed for You’: Divine Enablement in the Gospel of Luke” by Andrew E. Arterbury
  • “The Fourth Gospel’s Soteriology between New Birth and Resurrection” by Charles H. Talbert
  • “Εμφυτος Λόγος: A New Covenant Motif in the Letter of James” by Jason A. Whitlark
  • “Milk to Grow On: The Example of Christ in 1 Peter” by Clifford A. Barbarick
  • “The (Un)conditionality of Salvation: The Theological Logic of 2 Peter 1:8-10a” by Scott J. Hafemann
  • “Divine Assistance and Enablement of Human Faithfulness in the Revelation of John Viewed within Its Apocalyptic Context” by Charles H. Talbert

Top Highlights

“purpose of this essay is to pose this question in the light of the theological logic of 2 Pet 1:8–10a” (Page 242)

“obedience to God’s commands is not conceived of as the believer’s distinct ‘response’” (Page 240)

“increasing virtue is the inherent character of an ongoing” (Page 240)

This book presents with sparkling clarity the core theological ideas about salvation contained in the New Testament. It is theologically rich, intellectually innovative, and beautifully crafted. Scholars, pastors, and general readers will be grateful for the lucidity with which the authors write.

Paul Foster, lecturer in New Testament literature, language, and theology, University of Edinburgh

A balanced collection that brings clarity and critical nuance to the complex issue of New Testament soteriology. The essays offer a number of fresh—and mostly convincing—readings of important biblical books and outline some new approaches to several important topics.

Dale C. Allison Jr., Errett M. Grable Professor of New Testament Exegesis and Early Christianity, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

Extending previous research in creative directions, this volume should stimulate a return to the primary sources and productive debate over their interpretation.

C. Clifton Black, Otto A. Piper Professor of Biblical Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary

Explores the role of divine enablement in soteriology, demonstrating how different New Testament authors develop that theme in diverse and sometimes surprising ways. . . . Provocative and revelatory, these studies shed new light on biblical texts and will provide new avenues for Jewish-Christian dialogue.

Mark Allan Powell, Robert and Phyllis Leatherman Professor of New Testament, Trinity Lutheran Seminary

Charles H. Talbert is distinguished professor of religion at Baylor University. His many other books include Reading the Sermon on the Mount and Reading Acts: A Literary and Theological Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles.

Jason A. Whitlark is assistant professor of New Testament at Baylor University. He is also the author of Enabling Fidelity to God: Perseverance in Hebrews in Light of the Reciprocity Systems of the Ancient Mediterranean World.


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