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Products>Zondervan Biblical Studies Collection (5 vols.)

Zondervan Biblical Studies Collection (5 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.


Collection value: $188.95
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For responsible, well-informed Bible study, you need a firm grasp of the historical background, themes, and cultural context of large sections of Scripture. The Zondervan Biblical Studies Collection gets you started with introductions and overviews of everything from the opening chapters of Genesis to the Pauline Epistles.

This collection includes John Walton’s and Andrew E. Hill’s hugely influential Old Testament Today, a survey of all the major themes, interpretive issues, and historical context you need to understand the message of the Old Testament. With Genesis: History, Fiction, or Neither? Three Views On The Bible’s Earliest Chapters you can drill down into the first 11 chapters of Genesis and draw your own conclusions about how to interpret this pivotal section of Scripture. You’ll also enjoy an introduction to Romans, an illustrated introduction to the life and culture of Jesus, and a survey of the Pauline Epistles. With these powerful resources in your Logos library, you’ll be prepared when tough interpretive challenges crop up in your Bible study.

Fill out your Logos library with other biblical study resources in the Eerdmans Biblical Studies (10 vols.) collection.

  • Details the context of large sections of Scripture
  • Focuses your study on key sections of Scripture such as Genesis 1–11 and Romans
  • Includes a survey of the Old Testament and an introduction to the life of Jesus
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  1. Dan Phillips

    Dan Phillips


    Hoping Johnson on Romans will be made available by itself.
  2. Andrew Biddinger
    Is this something that can be broken up for the individual resources? Looking to purchase: Thinking through Paul: A Survey of His Life, Letters, and Theology
  3. jmawad



  4. Donovan Neufeldt
    What if I just want the genesis book? Where can I buy only that one?


Collection value: $188.95
Save $79.96 (42%)
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