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Products>Reformed Commentary Bundle (194 vols.)

Reformed Commentary Bundle (194 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $2,582.09
Save $1,082.10 (41%)
Starting at $80.98/mo at checkout


Enhance your Bible study and build your library with a wealth of Reformed scholarship available at one low price. This collection of favorite commentaries combines contemporary works with time-tested classics, resulting in a well-rounded armory of insight, explanation, and application for every book of the Bible.

Explore the intricacies of Scripture with John Calvin, Matthew Poole, John Owen, Matthew Henry, R.C. Sproul, and more top Reformed thinkers from across the years. Pick up valuable volumes from the Pillar New Testament Commentary, New International Greek Testament Commentary, Mentor Commentary, and other trusted series.

Gathering favorite Bible study companions from the Reformation to the present day, this comprehensive collection features acclaimed exegetical, expositional, and homiletical commentaries to equip pastors, scholars, students, and laity.

For even more Reformed Bible study resources, check out the Reformed base packages!

  • Combines top Reformed commentaries from across the centuries
  • Gathers expositional, exegetical, devotional, and homiletical commentary
  • Provides insight, explanation, and application for every book of the Bible
  • Title: Reformed Commentary Bundle
  • Volumes: 194
  • Pages: 85,069
  • Christian Group: Reformed
  • Resource Type: Commentaries
Value if sold separately
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7 ratings

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  1. Forrest Cole

    Forrest Cole


  2. Donald J Mills
  3. Peter Mark Wallace
  4. Andrew Anderson
  5. Reg Givens

    Reg Givens


    this set is massive... wow... I had not realized that I had gotten most of these books one at a time.. when it came time for me to download the reformation bundle it only added one book for a small fee due to dynamic pricing.. individually they cost a bit more but sometimes I cannot do it all at once..
  7. Jeremy Terhune


Collection value: $2,582.09
Save $1,082.10 (41%)
Starting at $80.98/mo at checkout