Digital Logos Edition
The BDAG/HALOT Bundle includes a copy of HALOT (Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament [HALOT | 5 vols.]) and a copy of BDAG (A Greek–English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 3rd ed. [BDAG]). Together they provide the best deal available for these two premier biblical language dictionaries.
The Logos Editions of each of these important reference works provide you with lexical information at the click of the button. BDAG and HALOT integrate seamlessly with the rest of your resources. For example, all Scripture references within BDAG and HALOT appear on mouseover and are linked to the Greek and Hebrew texts and English translations in your library. What’s more, you can customize your library to automatically open BDAG or HALOT whenever you double-click on a Greek or Hebrew word in any of your resources.
HALOT has been recommended by several of our authors for various applications:
Learn how to take full advantage of this New Testament lexicon via the Word by Word blog:
It is without doubt the best tool of its kind that exists in any language, and the present edition is decidedly superior to the earlier ones.
—Jerker Blomqvist, Department of Classics, Lund University
Viewable on screen in the same familiar layout as the print edition—in a fully searchable format that incorporates additional features unique to the [electronic] version. . . . An excellent alternative format with distinct advantages that many will prefer to the print version.
—Michael W. Holmes, in Religious Studies Review, on the Logos edition of BDAG
It goes without saying that all scholars and students of early Christianity will profit from BDAG and will want to own a copy of this fine new edition.
—Review of Biblical Literature, October 2002
Any reader familiar with the second edition (BAGD - 1979...) will notice an immediate and sharp improvement in semantic clarity and presentation in this third edition.
—Review of Biblical Literature, October 2002
This is a beautiful, user-friendly book, and the editor and the publisher deserve to be congratulated on its production. In physical appearance as well as content it marks a change in the tradition of Bauer lexicons.
—Review of Biblical Literature, October 2002
Like its predecessor, Danker will be enormously helpful to students and scholars working with the NT.
—Review of Biblical Literature, October 2002
It is without doubt the best tool of its kind that exists in any language, and the present edition is decidedly superior to the earlier ones.
—Bryn Mawr Classical Review, June 2001
In all, an excellent alternative format with distinct advantages that many will prefer to the print version.
—Religious Studies Review, April 2003
This writer highly recommends one spending the extra cost of adding BDAG to the Scholar’s Library. This combination will enhance an already valuable resource.
—Southwestern Journal of Theology, Fall 2003
177 ratings
Timothy Yang
Geoffrey Eldringhoff
Undrey bolton
Ryan Whitaker
David Van Der Hoff
Greg Johnson