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Products>Zondervan Biblical Studies Collection (8 vols.)

Zondervan Biblical Studies Collection (8 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $216.92
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In today’s culture, many Christians are so consumed about making the Bible fit their theology that imperative topics are overlooked when they read Scripture. The Zondervan Biblical Studies Collection brings together eight volumes that provide a strong focus to the importance of reading and studying the Bible in reference to clearly understanding the historical background, cultural setting, theological context, and interpretive issues of each book. This collection challenges readers to rethink their approach to reading and interpreting Scripture. It studies various books of the Bible including Revelation, the writings of John, Hebrews, and the General Epistles, as well as much-debated topics surrounding the Bible’s veracity, the Creation story, and the life of Jesus.

Please note that this collection is available as part of the Zondervan Bible Reference Bundle 3 (62 vols.).

  • Analyzes oft-debated topics
  • Provides contemporary insights to Old and New Testament books
  • Focuses on the importance of reading and interpreting Scripture correctly
  • Title: Zondervan Biblical Studies Collection
  • Publisher: Zondervan
  • Volumes: 8
  • Pages: 2,368
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    Collection value: $216.92
    Save $69.93 (32%)
    Payment plans available in cart