Digital Logos Edition
This volume is based on a series of lectures William Lothian gave on Corinthians, fulfilling his wish that the wisdom imparted in his lectures on pastoral instruction would be accessible to the public. The text is intended to provide a balanced mix of critical analysis, commentary, and practical reflections.
The work does honor to the industry, the learning, the good sense, and the piety of its author. His style of composition is clear, correct, and simple; never mean, and sometimes very elegant.
—Evangelical Magazine
We can with all freedom recommend this work to the notice of our readers, as a clear and judicious exposition of an important portion of Scripture; and which, on account of its sound views and evangelical unction, may be read with profit by both ministers and people.
—Theological Magazine
We can cordially and confidently recommend the work to our readers, and the attention of the Christian public.
—Christian Herald
The whole exposition is excellent, containing an accurate and often critical explanation of the text, mixed with practical remarks, and breathing heart-felt piety.
—Congregational Magazine
William Lothian was a minister of the Congregational Church at St. Andrews, a teacher, and writer.