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Anticipating His Arrival: A Family Guide through Advent

ISBN: 9781577996903
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An Advent Devotional

Advent is both about Jesus’ first coming in Bethlehem and his second coming, which we await. In the weeks leading up to Christmas, we remember his first advent and prepare for his second, celebrating both events. Centered around the themes of preparation, anticipation, joy, and incarnation, Anticipating His Arrival helps you guide your family through Advent as your expectation of Jesus’ arrival grows.

Family devotional time can be difficult which is why this resource was designed to fit a variety of needs and your schedule. Scripture readings are provided for the entire Advent season, from the first Sunday of Advent through Christmas Day. Each day, discussion questions and responses are provided to guide individual reflection or family discussion. The daily readings in this devotional come from the Revised Common Lectionary and include readings for all three years in the liturgical cycle—each drawing from the synoptic gospels.

Key Features

  • Daily readings for the season of Advent through Christmas, including readings for all three years in the Revised Common Lectionary cycle
  • Devotional readings and responses designed for individual reflection or family discussion
  • Each reading ends with reflection questions and responses, with space to journal


  • Introduction
    • Use of the Revised Common Lectionary
    • Basic Design
    • Questions and Answers
    • Suggested Use
    • Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
    • On the Use of “Yahweh”
  • Advent Readings (Year A: Matthew)
    • Week One: Preparation
    • Week Two: Anticipation
    • Week Three: Joy
    • Week Four: Incarnation
  • Advent Readings (Year B: Mark)
    • Week One: Preparation
    • Week Two: Anticipation
    • Week Three: Joy
    • Week Four: Incarnation
  • Advent Readings (Year C: Luke)
    • Week One: Preparation
    • Week Two: Anticipation
    • Week Three: Joy
    • Week Four: Incarnation

Top Highlights

“Preparation is important. If you believe something will happen, you prepare for it. If a hurricane is coming, you board up your house and evacuate the area. If we believe that Jesus, the Son of Man, is returning, then we should prepare for it.” (source)

“Preparing for Advent means looking ahead to the return of Christ. It means to live in faith that he will return. It means leaving the ‘nighttime things’ to the night, and even though it is still night, living as if it is daytime. It involves loving others because Christ loved us.” (source)

“A few years later, my wife and I became involved in a new church plant, and I decided to write a short devotional for Advent for church families to use. The church even printed a limited run, and it was well received.” (source)

“We live in times marked by sin and its effects. It oozes into every part of our actions and thoughts and affects how we all interact with each other. When Christ returns, he will remove sin’s hold on us, and God will look on us through the eyes of Christ. How incredible that will be! And how can we not look to that time with anticipation?” (source)

“Jerusalem at peace (shalom) reminds us of the return of the Lord. As the pilgrims to Jerusalem prayed for the city to be at peace and cherished their arrival in its gates, so we should look forward to the return of our Lord, preparing our hearts for his return.” (source)

Product Details

  • Title: Anticipating His Arrival: A Family Guide through Advent
  • Author: Rick Brannan
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • Pages: 192
  • Format: Logos Digital, Paperback
  • Trim Size: 5x7
  • ISBN: 9781577996903

About Rick Brannan

Rick Brannan is the general editor of the Lexham English Septuagint and the translator of The Apostolic Fathers in English. He is also the author and translator of Greek Apocryphal Gospels, Fragments, and Agrapha. Rick writes a regular column on the Church Fathers for Bible Study Magazine. He is currently working on an examination of the vocabulary of the Pastoral Epistles.

Sample Pages from Anticipating His Arrival


11 ratings

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  1. bonnietfowler



  2. Jeffrey J H Marshall
  3. Genesis Guerrero
  4. Paulo Romão

    Paulo Romão


  5. Kalim Cheung

    Kalim Cheung


  6. Yoseph Seo

    Yoseph Seo


  7. David C Rutledge
  8. Ron Hindman

    Ron Hindman


  9. Noreen Freeman
  10. Mary Beth Cerone
    It's only day 3 of the advent season, but so far, its perfect. It's a scripture reading and some discussion questions. Just the perfect length for a family with small children. My 2 year old actually sat still and listened to the whole reading last night.
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