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Products>Crossway Women’s Ministry Collection (5 vols.)

Crossway Women’s Ministry Collection (5 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $87.95
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This unique collection explores the range of perspectives on God and women from a conservative, complementarian position. With both female and male contributors, including Elyse Fitzpatrick, Margaret Elizabeth Köstenberger, and Wayne Grudem these volumes will encourage women to find their unique, God-given calling and to understand a biblical perspective on their role.

Answering questions raised by feminism and offering original biblical exegesis, these books give readers a balanced coverage of the issues and encourage a respectful understanding of the conservative position. Gain understanding of the prominent women in the Bible, learn from the practical advice for life and ministry and hear from an alternative to feminist readings of the Bible.

Key Features

  • Explore God’s view of women and how he has called them to serve
  • Examine biblical stories with women as their central character
  • Proovides apolegetic resources for traditional understandings of women and their role in the faith

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    Collection value: $87.95
    Save $16.96 (19%)