Are you struggling to accept God’s love?
We’ve bought into the lie that we are worthy of God’s love only when our lives are going well. But when life begins to fall through the cracks and things become less-than-perfect, we scramble to present a good front to the world―and to God.
God longs for us to deeply believe and know that He loves us and accepts us as we are. He calls for us to remove our masks and establish honest, deep, and trusting relationships with Him. When we are our true selves, we can finally claim our authentic identities as His own―Abba’s children.
Brennan Manning, author of The Ragamuffin Gospel, soulfully encourages you to let go of the pressure of an impostor lifestyle and lean into the life-changing wonder of a truly loving relationship with God. With a gentle wisdom and tender style, this book addresses:
Abba’s Child will light the way to freely accepting your belovedness and being renewed by the reassurance of our Father’s deep care for you―regardless of how perfect your life isn’t.
“Honest. Genuine. Creative. God hungry. These words surface when I think of the writings of Brennan Manning. Read him for yourself―you’ll see what I mean!” ―Max Lucado, New York Times bestselling author
“I pray that Brennan Manning and the timeless voices . . . in this book might offer you hope. May they remind you that you are loved by the Father-Creator Himself. May they sing and speak into your life against the voices that tell you otherwise.” ―Jon Foreman, lead singer of Switchfoot
“It takes a profound conversion to accept that God is relentlessly tender and compassionate toward us just as we are —not in spite of our sins and faults (that would not be total acceptance), but with them.” (source)
“We even refuse to be our true selves with God —and then wonder why we lack intimacy with Him. The deepest desire of our hearts is for union with God.” (source)
“Contemplation is gazing at the unveiled glory of God in the risen glorified Christ. Contemplative prayer is above all else looking at the person of Jesus.[15] The prayer of simple awareness means we don’t have to get anywhere because we are already there. We are simply coming into consciousness that we possess what we seek. Contemplation, defined as looking at Jesus while loving Him, leads not only to intimacy but also to the transformation of the person contemplating.” (source)
“The impostor must be called out of hiding, accepted, and embraced. He is an integral part of my total self. Whatever is denied cannot be healed. To acknowledge humbly that I often inhabit an unreal world, that I have trivialized my relationship with God, and that I am driven by vain ambition is the first blow in dismantling my glittering image. The honesty and willingness to stare down the false self dynamites the steel trapdoor of self-deception.” (source)
“Impostors are preoccupied with acceptance and approval. Because of their suffocating need to please others, they cannot say no with the same confidence with which they say yes. And so they overextend themselves in people, projects, and causes, motivated not by personal commitment but by the fear of not living up to others’ expectations.” (source)