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Theologians of the Baptist Tradition

, 2001
ISBN: 9781430079989

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Theologians of the Baptist Tradition is an effort to preserve and discover the Baptists’ “underappreciated contribution to Christianity’s theological heritage.” Theologians Timothy George and David S. Dockery present a volume of essays to serve as a resource for pastors, students, and teachers and as an introduction to the life and thought of some of the most notable shapers of Baptist theology.

Baptist theologians profiled include John Gill, Andrew Fuller, John L. Dagg, James Petigru Boyce, John A. Broadus, A.T. Robertson, Charles Spurgeon, A.H. Strong, B.H. Carroll, E.Y. Mullins, W.T. Conner, Hershel Hobbs, W.A. Criswell, Frank Stagg, Carl F.H. Henry, James Leo Garrett, Jr., and Millar J. Erickson. Theologians of the Baptist Tradition also includes a comprehensive index to these and numerous other central figures in Baptist heritage.

Save more when you purchase this volume as part of the B&H Baptist History Collection (11 Vols.)!

Top Highlights

“John Gill was the first Baptist to develop a complete systematic theology and also the first Baptist to write a verse-by-verse commentary on the entire Bible.” (Page 12)

“Fundamentalism arose in the early part of this century as a protest against the concessions and denials of liberal theologians on cardinal tenets such as the virgin birth of Christ, the inerrancy of the Bible, and penal substitutionary atonement. This was a valid and necessary protest, and we should be grateful for those worthy forebearers who stood with courage and conviction on these matters. However, the problem with fundamentalism as a theological movement was its tendency toward reductionism—not what it affirmed, but what it left out.” (Page 6)

“The communitarian character of Baptist life, exemplified by covenants, confessions, and catechisms, was undermined by the privatization of Baptist theology and the rising tide of modern rugged individualism that swept through American culture in the early twentieth century.” (Pages 4–5)

“Gill did so, committing himself to take God’s Word for his rule, God’s Spirit for his guide, God’s promises for his support, and Christ’s fullness for the supply of all his wants.” (Page 15)

“However, the final product included precisely what God intended for it to contain, even to the very words that God was pleased to employ in disclosing his holy oracles.” (Page 21)

  • Title: Theologians of the Baptist Tradition
  • Editors: Timothy George and David S. Dockery
  • Publisher: B&H
  • Publication Date: 2001
  • Pages: 384

Timothy George is Dean at Beeson Divinity School, Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama. He is also editor, together with his wife Denise, of the Library of Baptist Classics series. He previously was an Associate Professor of Church History and Historical Theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky.

David S. Dockery is President and Professor of Christian Studies, Union University. He has written and contributed to many articles and books and is the founding editor of the Criswell Theological Review. He and his family currently reside in Jackson, Tennessee.


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  1. Charlie Goodman
  2. John McDaniel
  3. Daniel Casey Garcia


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