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Nag Hammadi Texts and the Bible: A Synopsis and Index

, 1993
ISBN: 9789004099029

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The Nag Hammadi Texts and the Bible places in synoptic form parallel texts from Nag Hammadi and from the Bible. This will enable scholars of Coptic Gnosticism, as well as scholars concerned with early Christian biblical interpretation, to make the comparisons necessary to determine relationships and what dependence, if any, there may be between these two bodies of material. This volume should facilitate the discussion concerning the origin, antiquity, and relationship of Gnosticism to Christianity.

Not all proposed relationships between parallel texts are as firmly determined as others. The goal of this work is not to present a definitive guide to all parallels between the Nag Hammadi texts and Scripture, but rather to present potential and probably parallels in a convenient and helpful manner in order to further scholarly discussion. In light of the heated debate that revolves around these issues, Nag Hammadi Texts and the Bible functions as a tool for helping students and scholars examine these complex issues and draw their own conclusions on questions of relationships, origins, chronology, and direction of influence in the various parallels gathered in this volume.

The volume also contains an extensive bibliography of materials relevant to this topic with a Scripture index that will make it possible for the reader to find any desired passage quickly. All those who are interested in the function of biblical literature in the Nag Hammadi Library, the relationship of the biblical writings to Gnosticism, and the history of interpretative traditions will appreciate the efforts that Craig Evans, Robert Webb, and Richard Wiebe have contributed toward creating this superior resource.

Key Features

  • Parallel English synopsis of the Nag Hammadi texts and the Bible
  • Additional references to biblical texts with thematic labels
  • Cross-references to other Nag Hammadi and Biblical texts discussed

Praise for the Print Edition

This volume will be of great use not only to scholars and students of Gnosticism but also to those interested in the history of biblical interpretation. It deserves a place on the shelves of every research library.

—Birger A. Pearson, Religious Studies Review, 1995

Product Details

  • Title: Nag Hammadi Texts and the Bible: A Synopsis and Index
  • Editors: Craig A. Evans, Robert L. Webb, and Richard A. Wiebe
  • Publisher: Brill
  • Publication Date: 1993
  • Pages: xxii, 551

About the Editors

Craig A. Evans, Ph.D. (1983) in Religion, Claremont Graduate School, is Payzant Distinguished Professor of New Testament, Acadia Divinity College in Nova Scotia, Canada. During the production of this book he was Professor of Biblical Studies at Trinity Western University in Langley, British Columbia, Canada. He has published studies in Gnosticism and the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament, including Life of Jesus Research: An Annotated Bibliography (Brill, 1989).

Robert L. Webb, Ph.D. (1990) in New Testament, University of Sheffield, lectures in the Religious Studies Department of McMaster University in Hamilton Ontario. He has published on life-of-Jesus research and synoptic Gospels.

Richard A. Wiebe, M.A. (Biblical Studies, 1980), M.A. (Library Science, 1981), is Assistant Librarian at Trinity Western University, Langley, British Columbia, Canada.

Sample Pages from the Print Edition


5 ratings

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  1. Unix



  2. Raymond Sevilla
    great resource
  3. Roman Kim

    Roman Kim


    Very helpful for the research in Alexandrian Christianity. Unlike in other editions of the Nag Hammadi Corpus here one can find not only direct quotes from the Scriptures but also allusions.
  4. Robert  Leahy

    Robert Leahy


  5. Michael Maria Waldstein


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