Digital Logos Edition
The approach of this commentary is to ask how ancient Mediterranean auditors would have heard Acts when it was read in their presence. To be successful Talbert divides this approach into two parts: how Acts would have been heard in its precanonical context and in its canonical context. He examines Acts thematically from the perspective of preparing for the church’s Mission to fulfilling the Mission. In the sections of fulfilling the Mission, Talbert concentrates on Pentecost, Philip’s Mission, Peter’s preaching, and Paul’s conversion and missionary journeys. Talbert includes two appendixes, focusing on the historicity of Acts and aspects of biography in Mediterranean antiquity.
“The plot of Acts is equally straightforward: between the ascension and parousia, empowered by the Holy Spirit, the Messianists bear an unstoppable, universal witness to Jesus by word and deed, thereby fulfilling the divine plan. Here the focus is on the church but against the background of the divine plan.” (Page xvi)
“The clear-cut emphasis of this subunit is found in the threefold refrain ‘heard them speaking in his own language’ (v. 6); ‘hear them in his own native language’ (v. 8); and ‘hear them speaking in our own tongues’ (v. 11).” (Page 26)
“The first story about Herod (12:1–19) has as its point that unrighteous rulers cannot stop the progress of the gospel” (Page 107)
“eunuchs were especially prized as servants because of their trustworthiness.” (Page 75)
“Two separate problems have to be dealt with in establishing the Gentile mission’s legitimacy. On the one hand, there is the question of the cleanliness laws (10:28; 11:3; see Lev 11). One obstacle to a mission to Gentiles is that it brings Jews who follow the laws of purity into contact with people whose person and food are reckoned unclean.” (Page 92)
Charles H. Talbert is Distinguished Professor of Religion at Baylor University. He is the General Editor for Reading the New Testament Commentary and the author of several other editions in the series. He received a B.D. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University. He has written many articles, reviews, commentaries and books, including Reading the Sermon on the Mount. He has the distinction of being the only person to serve as president of both the National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion and the Catholic Biblical Association.