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Minor Prophets: Hosea–Malachi (Cornerstone Biblical Commentary | CBC)

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The Minor Prophets speak the words of God during the most historically and theologically significant moments in Israel’s history. From warnings of destruction to words of hope during despair, from plagues and peril to promises of a Messiah, the Minor Prophets capture the full range of God’s relationship with Israel and Judah during a tumultuous and shifting history. In their commentary, Richard D. Patterson and Andrew E. Hill help modern readers navigate the complex terrain of the Minor Prophets.

Top Highlights

“Central to the message of Habakkuk is the theme of faith.7 In the face of life’s inequities and perplexities, will one’s faith waver or remain steadfast? Today, as in Habakkuk’s day, the injustices and immorality of corrupt, secular, and idolatrous societies make it seem as though life is less than fair, and therefore one could be tempted to wonder whether God really is sufficient for the vicissitudes of life (1:1–4).” (Page 400)

“A theme woven in with Habakkuk’s spiritual quest is the necessity of prayer.” (Page 401)

“Peter’s pronouncement is true (2 Pet 3:9). Rather than wishing for people to perish, God patiently deals with them, desiring that they should come to repentance. As Jesus pointed out (Matt 12:41), the example of the Ninevites stands as an illustration of the possibilities of repentance when people respond to the preaching of the Word of God.” (Page 278)

“God’s answer to his prophet’s first perplexity emphasizes three important truths. First, God is a righteous judge who is aware of all that takes place in the world. When sin occurs it will be punished, even if it is the sin of God’s own people (cf. 1:9 with Deut 28:41; Prov 14:34).” (Page 408)

“Habakkuk’s short prophecy is set in a time of national upheaval characterized by gross social injustice (1:2–4) and by the imminent advent of the Babylonians (Chaldeans) as the foremost international power (1:5–11). These factors suggest a preexilic setting.” (Page 397)

Praise for the Print Edition

An enormously helpful series for the layperson and pastor alike because it centers on the theological message of each book and ties it directly to the text. This approach has been needed for some time and will be an invaluable supplement to other commentary series.

Grant Osborne

A treasure house of insight into the biblical text. Written by some of the best scholars working today, it is an essential tool for pastors, students, church leaders, and lay people who want to understand the text and know how it relates to our lives today. Like the New Living Translation text it uses as its base, this commentary series is extremely readable.

—Tremper Longman

Product Details

  • Title: Cornerstone Biblical Commentary, Vol. 8: Minor Prophets: Hosea–Malachi
  • Authors: Richard D. Patterson and Andrew E. Hill
  • Publisher: Tyndale House
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Pages: 672

About the Authors

Richard D. Patterson (A.B., Wheaton College; M.Div., Northwest Baptist Theological Seminary; Th.M. Talbot Theological Seminary; M.A., Ph.D., University of California Angeles) was chairman of the Department of Biblical Studies and professor of Semitic Languages and Literatures at Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia. He contributed to The Expositor's Bible Commentary and has written articles for Grace Theological Journal, the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, and other scholarly journals.

Andrew E. Hill (Ph.D. University of Michigan) is Professor of Old Testament Studies at Wheaton College. His current research interests include the Old Testament, worship studies, Ancient-Future models for biblical interpretation, and pedagogy for biblical studies. He is a contributor to The Complete Library of Christian Worship, and is author of the commentary on Malachi in the Anchor Yale Bible.


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