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Gleanings in Exodus

Digital Logos Edition

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A central theme of the book of Exodus is the redemption of God's people. In this in-depth commentary, Pink shows how the theme of redemption in Exodus is not formally expounded as a doctrine but is strikingly illustrated by narrative, types and symbols. As he draws the Old and New Testaments together, you will be impressed once again that the story of history is the story of God and his people. Contains 72 chapters of verse by verse commentary perfectly suited to the preaching pastor, Sunday school teacher, Bible study leader, or layperson engaged in Bible study.

Key Features

  • Challenging and inspirational
  • Rich in devotional and practical truth

Praise for the Print Edition

The widespread circulation of his writings after his death made him one of the most influential evangelical authors in the second half of the twentieth century.

—Iain H. Murrary

Product Details

  • Title: Gleanings in Exodus
  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Pages: 384

About A. W. Pink

A. W. Pink (1886-1952) a native of Nottingham, England, whose life as a pastor and writer was spent in a variety of locations in the British Isles, the United States, and Australia. As a young man he turned away from the Christian faith of his parents and became an adherent of the theosophical cult; but then he experienced an evangelical conversion and crossed the Atlantic in 1910, at the age of 24, to become a student at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. After only six weeks, however, he left to take up a pastoral ministry. It was during the years that followed that he found his way to a strictly Calvinistic position in theology. He was soon wielding a quite prolific pen. As one whose life was devoted to the study and exposition of the Scriptures, he became the author of numerous books which the Banner of Truth Trust has been assiduously reprinting in recent times. No doubt his chief monument is the paper Studies in the Scriptures which he produced monthly and regularly for a period of thirty years from the beginning of 1922 until his death in 1952.

Top Highlights

“Historically, the book of Exodus treats of the deliverance of Israel from Egypt; but viewed doctrinally, it deals with redemption. Just as the first book of the Bible teaches that God elects unto salvation, so the second instructs us how God saves, namely, by redemption. Redemption, then, is the dominant subject of Exodus. Following this, we are shown what we are redeemed for—worship, and this characterizes Leviticus, where we learn of the holy requirements of God and the gracious provisions He has made to meet these. In Numbers we have the walk and warfare of the wilderness, where we have a typical representation of our experiences as we pass through this scene of sin and trial—our repeated and excuseless failures, and God’s long-sufferance and faithfulness.” (Page 7)

“The tabernacle has no fewer than three meanings, In the first place, the tabernacle is a type, a visible illustration, of that heavenly place in which God has His dwelling. In the second place, the tabernacle is a type of Jesus Christ, who is the meeting-place between God and man. And, in the third place, the tabernacle is a type of Christ in the Church—of the communion of Jesus with all believers’ (Adolph Saphir).” (Page 180)

“The principle is this: When the will of man acts in self-appointed service, he does not feel the difficulties in the way; but when there is a true call from God these are felt.” (Page 28)

“When the executioner of God’s judgment saw the blood upon the houses of the Israelites, he entered not, and why? Because death had already done its work there! The innocent had died in the place of the guilty. And thus justice was satisfied. To punish twice for the same crime would be unjust. To exact payment twice for the same debt is unlawful: Even so those within the blood-sprinkled house were secure. Blessed, blessed truth is this. It is not merely God’s mercy but His righteousness which is now on the side of His people. Justice itself demands the acquittal of every believer in Christ.” (Page 84)


3 ratings

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  1. Charlie Orr

    Charlie Orr


  2. HJ



  3. Joe Lee

    Joe Lee


    This is a wonderful writing and very profitable. However, there are many typos in this electronic version (such inexcuseable errors as naming God as Pod or even Clod...really??) maybe some proof reading would be in order here.


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