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Products>Discipleship Journal Anthology (Issues 1–150)

Discipleship Journal Anthology (Issues 1–150)

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.


Collection value: $183.49
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This updated version includes 25 years of Discipleship Journal’s award-winning articles and graphics! These journals work great with your existing Logos digital library. With Logos Bible Software, you have quick access on your PC to over 3,500 Discipleship Journal articles at the click of a mouse.

In terms of usefulness, ease of application and readability few collections can match The Discipleship Journal Anthology. Search every article for your desired topic or passage in only seconds with the electronic version of this heralded publication. Christians, especially pastors, will love using this huge set of resources.

Includes 150 Issues of the Discipleship Journal!

Enjoy complete portability and instant access to Discipleship Journal’s first 25 years of award-winning articles and artwork on your personal desktop or laptop computer with the new Discipleship Journal Anthology. Incorporating all of the latest, user-friendly features of this top-rated Bible software program, the Logos Bible Software version includes the following features:

  • Rapid search by word, topic, title, author, issue, or verse
  • Nearly every article ever published in Discipleship Journal®
  • All Bible studies, "On Your Own" sections, and sidebars tied to the original articles and theme sections
  • Free link to The Message and the KJV versions of the Bible with option to unlock additional Bible versions
  • Recommended resources hot-linked to thousands of publisher and ministry websites
  • Original artwork and poster pages
  • Reproducible materials for your small groups and Sunday school classes
  • Bible reference tools—and many additional resources that can be unlocked

For a massive collection of journals from world-renowned scholars across a variety of disciplines, check out the Master Journal Bundle 3.1 (2,200+ vols.).

  • Title: Discipleship Journal Anthology (Issues 1–150)
  • Publisher: Discipleship Journal
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:


5 ratings

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  1. Michael Kaspar
    I’m enjoying this wonderful resource but I cannot figure out how to search across all the journals - I only see how to search within a specific resource and in this case they are listed as each issue is a unique resource. Thanks!
  2. David Anfinrud

    David Anfinrud


    THis could easily be used to help write Sunday School or Devotional readings. Access to this set is a good way to find resources maybe questions to ask or Sermon IDeas to expound on. So many uses can be considered.
  3. Mark B Weaver

    Mark B Weaver


  4. Ellsworth Baxen
    Looks good, but why does it have to cost soooooo much?
  5. ramana av

    ramana av


    This is very much encouraging. How can I get this Great Resource with free of cost. Can anybody help in this regard. with love, ramana Address RAMANA AV JE 168, A-COLONY, VTPS, IBRAHIMPATNAM-521456 KRISHNA DISTRICT, INDIA. +919493120795
  6. Roberto L. Galvão
  7. William



    This is a great resource for topical bible studies. A quick search will give you dozens of short articles to use for a small group. Even though these articles are before 2005, they are still relevant. i would highly recommend this resource. Here is a short sample article: Help for Discerning God’s Will by Joan Esherick "How can I know God’s will?" is a question I’m often asked by those I disciple. More than once, I’ve stumbled through the theology of God’s will, only to find that what was really needed wasn’t theological grounding but concise, practical principles for godly decision making. As I sought ways to solidly present the principles of discerning God’s will to struggling believers, I found a useful tool in the acronym EAST. Examine your heart. Ask God to do the same (Ps. 139:23–24). Questions to Ask: Have I really prayed about this decision? Have I waited on God? What do I want and why? Are my reasons biblical? Am I rationalizing or justifying sin? What is keeping me from making this decision? What do I hope for and fear most? Have I discussed my motives and options with a mature believer? Pray: Father, examine my heart, and show me my true motives. Give me an undivided heart that seeks to please You. Apply Scripture (Ps. 40:8; 119:11,105). Questions to Ask: Have I searched the Bible regarding this decision? Am I considering something that is specifically commanded or prohibited in God’s Word? Do the "God’s will" passages apply here? If my decision isn’t covered by specific scriptures, are there general principles that apply? Have I relied on the Spirit as I’ve studied God’s Word? Have I sought counsel as I’ve applied God’s Word? Have I confirmed my application with a mature believer? Pray: Help me to know Your Word, Lord. Please apply it to my heart. Surrender (Mt. 6:10, 26:39). Questions to Ask: Am I willing to do what pleases God, even if it’s not what I want? Have I fully yielded my circumstances and life to God (including dreams, desires, duties, and doubts)? Have I fully surrendered control? Pray: Your will be done, Lord, not mine. I give my life and this decision to You, knowing that Your way is best. Trust (Ps. 9:10, Prov. 3:5). Questions to Ask: Do I trust that God is sovereign and rest in His grace? Am I willing to trust Him with the consequences of my decision? Am I willing to trust God with my future, even when it’s unclear? Am I willing to live by faith, not sight? Pray: Father, help me to rest in Your control. Give me the wisdom and courage to choose, and then use this decision for Your glory.
  8. Adam Lambert

    Adam Lambert


  9. Mike Allbutt

    Mike Allbutt


    This looks good but hard to justify paying 3 times the price for the exact same product just to have it in Logos format.
  10. Paolo russo

    Paolo russo


    Does it work on mobile?


Collection value: $183.49
Save $43.50 (23%)
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