Shawn Anderson
- 1) The "Study" section asks questions with links to commentaries with the answers. The questions themselves were okay. They tried to get to the central point of the text. The only problem is you have to own the commentaries or else you cannot see the answers. They don't simply quote the multiple commentaries but expect you to purchase them as well as this $55 study guide. 2) The "Apply" section often had good application suggestions, which were a helpful starting place as you think about application particular to the congregation you serve. 3) The "Share" section often suggests ways to add innovation and creativity to the worship service. It is this reviewer's opinion that this section promotes violating God's principle of worship, "I have told you how to approach me in worship. Do not add or take away from what I have commanded you to do." There is no need to add to the simple and significant "means of grace" with innovation and distracting creativity. 4) This is not worth $50 or even $20. I would suggest making this a $10 item and offering it in a bundle of Mark Commentaries (the ones linked to in this resource). It could serve as bonus material to help organize your study. Overall, I think that the helpful features in this resource for sermon prep are the Study questions and the Apply suggestions. But this is a glorified "study guide" and if the "Share" suggestions are applied in worship this reviewer believes that they will only detract from the Word of God.