- Good book, but it's clearly poorly cross-linked. I've already reported about 5 or 6 missing or wrong links within the first 60 or so pages, and I definitely missed some. I'm guessing the people at Logos use some type of automation script to do this, and it seems that when unchecked by humans afterward, the result is plenty of errors.
- Does this version include the reverse interlinear? As here:
- No, it does not.
- The link you posted says in the Key Features section that it includes the 2006 updates. The Rhalf-Ranhart came out in July 2006.
- Wenham is quite insistent that Abraham died when his servant got back to Canaan for some pretty poor reasons. Not what the text says, and I'm astounded that he's jumped to such rash conclusions. The servant calling Isaac master is not proof of this by any means, and it seems that Abraham's exclusion from events when the servant returned is again, not proof. It seems Isaac was simply living in another location. The text DOES say that Abraham lived another 35 years afterward, and is mentioned as taking another wife almost immediately after the Rebekah-Isaac marriage.