- Borgen and the Philo Concordance Project team produced a truly amazing piece of work when they transformed the critical edition of Philo's works (Cohn-Wendland) into "machine-readable" text. At the same time, Skarsten began the work of organising key words into a concordance. As the project received more funding, more words were tagged and the fragmentary texts of Philo were added. When a commercial edition of "The Philo Index: A Complete Greek Word Index of the Writings of Philo of Alexandria" was published in 2000, it was described as a monumental achievement. That we now have access to the digital text which resulted from their work (and its tagging) in Logos is fantastic. Although those who are used to the highly curated tagging of NT texts in Logos will find that the morphology data sometimes feels lacking by comparison, that is to be expected in a corpus which is given far less attention and which is much much longer.