Pastor • Independent Apostolic Pentecostal
- If the scriptural text is allowed to stand on its own strength, unaided by religiosity, Trinitarianism is creedal “Christianity”—not biblical Christianity (cf. Mark 12.28-29; Colossians 2.9; Acts 2.38).
- The mere fact that you make this division tells me that you are not a Biblically informed Christian - you are either a modalist, a Sabelian, or an Arian. In other words, a heretic that we should mark and avoid. May the Lord show you mercy and reveal the truth as it is in Christ Jesus, who is the Eternal Son of God the Father, sharing the same nature as the Father, and who makes the Father and the Holy Spirit known to us. "You search the Scriptures, for in them you think to have eternal life and these are they which testify concerning Me. But you won't come to me in order that you might have life." John 5:39-40. See also Gen 1:1 - Rev 22:21.
- Actually (& I mean this sincerely), it is the Trinitarians who are the “heretics” according to Scripture. You’ll never find the Trinity within the actual pages of Scripture—no matter how hard you try to force it (and, trust me, I’m well aware of your beliefs & claims). Trinitarians speculate *BETWEEN* the lines to erase what’s actually *ON* the lines. Please obey—not explain away—Acts 2.38 for biblical salvation. We genuinely pray diligently for Trinitarians.
- I just wanted to add my voice to the stellar reviews of Dr. Josberger. I have not yet taken this class (it’s in my cart🥴). However I also live in Oregon & took a shot in the dark of emailing Dr. Josberger regarding a doctrinal issue that has troubled me for years from Deuteronomy (since her specialty is focused on Deuteronomy). To my utter surprise she emailed me back and actually wanted to do a Zoom meeting so we could discuss the topic on an academic level (not sure I would have much to offer on my part🚶🏻♂️!). Though I don’t know much about her at all I can say without any hesitation whatsoever that she is a very sincere and passionate scholar—and ANYTHING I ever see with her name attached to it I immediately put it on my wishlist and/or in my cart. We need more scholars with her contagious humility and sincerity!
- *I took this course—and, while I like Dr. Heiser’s demeanor, I’m sorry, but it is an exercise in shadow-swatting to attempt to somehow force the Messiah into the OT canon. *In fact, I will be using this course in the church I pastor to demonstrate how hard some scholars will overreach in attempting to locate God’s Son in the OT (which is easily and quickly refuted)...and is problematic for the supposed “Trinity” doctrine. No disrespect intended toward Dr. Heiser nor Faith Life inasmuch as I enjoy Logos software and appreciate their eclectic sources. In fact I am teaching a tools class to the church next midweek Bible study and I fully intend to advise them to get the Logos app. & make it their go-to for serious academia.
- Not sure how you could possibly come to that conclusion. The Messiah was the most important promise to Israel in the OT, so why shouldn't he be found in it? Perhaps it's you who's overreaching to avoid seeing the Messiah in the OT. The apostles and early Christians seemed to have no trouble.
- With a name like Puddin’ it’s hard to take you seriously.
- I wonder what 'organization' puddin is associated with? JW, Mormonism, ...?