Children, family, and outreach lay minister. • Anglican Diocese of Adelaide
- Im a second years Theology student so one would assume I would understand what the Author's point is.... However I am about 26 pages into the book and its very hard to focus and make sense of it all due to an absurdly amount of academic language and over use of jargon. I'll have to push through because its part of a book review assignment but I am highly agitated and frustrated by this Author. However I do like his work on the psalm. Its unlikely that I will ever open this book again after the semester has ended. 1 star.
- A third edition has come out, it seems that there are some differences in chapter structure and recourses used etc .. I need the 3th edition for Bible college and so will have to unfortunately buy the kindle one instead of the Logos one.
- Yeah, but there is no new content. Part 2.9 got moved to Part 1.1. To be fair, they added a 'author index' in the Kindle version, but the find function fixes that easily.