• It would be wonderful if Pratico & Van Pelt's "Vocabulary Guide to Biblical Hebrew" was tagged so that it would work with the new Hebrew Audio Pronunciation product. It would be very nice to just click on a Hebrew word from the resource and hear what it sounds like. (Actually, that would also be nice for the Bibles like LHI. As it is you have to pop up info on the word and then hit "Pronunciation. Several steps involved.) If that isn't possible, it would be nice to at least be able to make a Word List of desired words to hear what they sound like and make flashcards. The Mac version of the Pratico resource has a bug so that you can't select just a few words to make a Word List. You get almost 200 words at a time. And then if you make a Word List Document of the clipboard you also get all the English definitions, etc. It should be able to generate audio for all the Hebrew (which it doesn't) and also make FlashCards for study on mobile devices. I put something about this on the http://logos.uservoice.com site on Sept 1, 2014. Logos tech support said they would work on the problem if enough people voted for it. So, if you want to make learning Hebrew a whole lot easier, go there and vote!
    1. I found a Hebrew Frequency Word List that does jut this. Thank you David John Merkh, Jr ! https://documents.logos.com/users/124399/documents
    2. New here? No not really. I just don't comment on much stuff. If I feel a need to comment on something then I will but its not my common practice. I realized what I had said when you said you had been waiting for 7 years for this resource. I am a long long time Logos user. I started using Logos way back when it first came out. Then it was on 13 3 1/2 inch discs and there was only 2 choices, The Gold Package or the Silver Package. I chose the Gold since it had the most resources and I could do more with it. The price.....$99. I have the Collectors Edition now and it will be interesting how Logos is going to top Collectors.
  • It would be wonderful if Pratico & Van Pelt's "Vocabulary Guide to Biblical Hebrew" was tagged so that it would work with the new Hebrew Audio Pronunciation product. It would be very nice to just click on a Hebrew word from the resource and hear what it sounds like. (Actually, that would also be nice for the Bibles like LHI. As it is you have to pop up info on the word and then hit "Pronunciation. Several steps involved.) If that isn't possible, it would be nice to at least be able to make a Word List of desired words to hear what they sound like and make flashcards. The Mac version of the Pratico resource has a bug so that you can't select just a few words to make a Word List. You get almost 200 words at a time. And then if you make a Word List Document of the clipboard you also get all the English definitions, etc. It should be able to generate audio for all the Hebrew (which it doesn't) and also make FlashCards for study on mobile devices. I put something about this on the http://logos.uservoice.com site on Sept 1, 2014. Logos tech support said they would work on the problem if enough people voted for it. So, if you want to make learning Hebrew a whole lot easier, go there and vote!