- I loved the sample reading; now I can't wait to get it in my library and read the whole book! I, like many others grew up on the KJV and I still use it everyday along with other translations, seems I always have to check the KJV when I read something that "Just don't sound right"... LOL! I was even "nearly" a KJV only-ist at one time. Needless to say having been using LOGOS for many years, that will soon show one his folly... I have to admire the knowledge and hard work of translating these ancient languages. I also admit when I look at an interlinear from time to time I am amazed even more and think to myself "forget it, let the big boys handle that" I can't help but love the KJV and it's beautiful language which is easy for me, yet I can see is not for this generation. I have tried to like the NKJV but It sounds like someone doing bad impersonation of someone to me... I'd rather read a totally different version. I also have tried to like the ESV since it seems so popular but I really don't care for it. Other than the KJV I have used the NIV the most for ministry and especially like the 2011. For a read through I love the NLT and really trust it a lot as it is keyed to the original now I see things that help understand some of their decisions. I also have to say I do not like the phrase "word for word" translation as anyone studying with these tools for very long can quickly see that is impossible! I'll just have to trust the scholars to see things I cannot see or understand and tell me what was meant in a more dynamic style. I can always look at the original languages myself if I need to - not that I really understand what should be done with it; maybe just to make myself feel better LOL! Thanks for this book, again, I'm looking forward to reading it.