Church History
Back in 1886 the Gumeracha Baptist Church established a Sunday School in Blumberg (as Birdwood was then named). It was held weekly in the local hall. A monthly Gospel Service was added and this eventually led to the formation of a Baptist Fellowship in Blumberg.
The vision of a non-denominational Peace Memorial Church at Birdwood was conceived during the First World War. Christians believed that unity between the religious denominations in the Birdwood area was part of God's plan, especially when the horror and futility of war touched all families in some way.
It was not, however, until 1929 that the vision of the Birdwood United Church became a reality. The Birdwood Baptist Church ceased to be and the first service of the Birdwood United Church was held on December 15th 1929, in the Birdwood Institute.
The foundation stone for the first church building was laid on December 13th 1956 by Mr. Ern Pflaum whose family involvement in Christian ministry dates back to before 1866.
A balanced ministry was provided by ensuring that teaching was given by Ministers from the following denominations: Methodist and Presbyterian (now Uniting), Churches of Christ and Baptists.
The services of a part-time Minister, Pastor Brian Teakle, to be available to the congregation and to conduct two services a month was introduced in 1982, combining with the original concept of teaching by the Uniting, Baptist and Churches of Christ Ministers. In 1992, Pastor Brian Teakle was called to a full-time ministry at the Birdwood United Church.
The growth of the Church fellowship necessitated the expansion of church facilities with the opening of an enlarged Worship Centre on July 2nd, 1995.
Believing that the nature of the church should determine its structure there is a strong emphasis on fellowship - harmony and unity are important and characterise the life of the church members - unity is treasured, differences accepted. There is also a strong emphasis on 'the family of God' and the church operates on the basis of relationships not rules.
Particular importance is given to treating the church as a 'flock' and it is cared for and led by 'shepherd', with people as the ministers. Lastly, all its members make up the Body of Christ, and functions on the basis of gifts, not structure - this is kept simple, to maximise ministry. The Church's key areas are Worship, Evangelism, Discipleship, Fellowship, Prayer and Ministry.
The Birdwood United Church believes that God has given it a unique ministry in the community. It thanks God for what He has accomplished in the past and looks to Him as it takes up the challenges and opportunities of the future.