- I’m surprised there is no review of this gem yet. This is the standard by which other atlases are rated. Biblical students are required to take this with them when traveling and researching the Holy Land. This book is not for the faint hearted. It’s very technical and likely you need the hardback of this book, which I do. Expensive for a reason and not for the beginner
- I like the book, honestly. There is good information and it is well written. I have both the book and digital copy. I do have problems with this purchase and I recommend you not buy it. First, I have issues with the resource loading on my mobile device which I use quite often. I have tried everything. It worked at first, but now just does not load/display. I may issue a technical request to figure it out. Second, and this is a gripe with many folks (there is a thread in the forum in fact): The map files are low resolution. Logos claims that this is what the publisher sent them. I know that other version of digital software also have this same issue. Logos is compelled to provide the buyer a more usable high resolution of the maps, we pay full price for the digital copy and I expect a map that I can zoom in and not become crud. Its that bad which is a shame because the book itself and printed maps are outstanding and useful. What a shame. 3 stars for the digital copy and 5 stars for the book.
- I am sorry to hear that you have been having trouble with downloading this resource. Please check the App Store or the Play Store for any available updates for our app, and agree to install them. If no updates are available, please use these instructions to uninstall and then re-install. If you need further help with this, please contact us at 1-800-875-6467 or
- Thank you. We were able to solve the content not displaying - however the bigger issue is the low resolution maps. Logos needs to have higher standards with the publishers for electronic visual map content. After all, Logos is selling directly to content consumers and consumers require more in this regard. Have the publisher rescan in hi-res and provide the content to electronic distributers such as yourself; do not settle for low-res images from any publisher or risk folks like us not being happy with price/product.