• This library is incredible! Both Eerdmans Reference Bundles, the SPCK Bundle, the full set of NICOT/NICNT, the LifeGuide Bible Studies! It's insane how much high-quality content there is here for the price.
    1. This is so crazy expensive. No way budy!!!!
    2. Bundles can be a good way to save a lot of money. I usually carefully analyze the contents of the bundle, and add up the value of all the resources that I actually want. If it's greater than the cost of the bundle, then it's worth it. Sheer volume wouldn't do it for me, though. About 80% of all the bundles I buy are things I'll likely never read. You just have to make sure the 20% that you want is worth the bundle cost. Another good way to save with bundles, is by checking out various versions of the same bundle. For example, after paying for a bronze bundle, a bunch of other Bronze bundles became very cheap with dynamic pricing. One of the other Bronze packages had Lenski in it (normally around $200 or so), for only $70. I snagged it, even though I didn't really want anything else in the bundle.
  • Hearing from multiple scholars is especially helpful, and Dr. Fitzpatrick's intro is an excellent way to start the course and become reacquainted with why the Resurrection and cognizance of it it so important for everyone!