Ben Parks (personal)
- This library is incredible! Both Eerdmans Reference Bundles, the SPCK Bundle, the full set of NICOT/NICNT, the LifeGuide Bible Studies! It's insane how much high-quality content there is here for the price.
- This is so crazy expensive. No way budy!!!!
- Bundles can be a good way to save a lot of money. I usually carefully analyze the contents of the bundle, and add up the value of all the resources that I actually want. If it's greater than the cost of the bundle, then it's worth it. Sheer volume wouldn't do it for me, though. About 80% of all the bundles I buy are things I'll likely never read. You just have to make sure the 20% that you want is worth the bundle cost. Another good way to save with bundles, is by checking out various versions of the same bundle. For example, after paying for a bronze bundle, a bunch of other Bronze bundles became very cheap with dynamic pricing. One of the other Bronze packages had Lenski in it (normally around $200 or so), for only $70. I snagged it, even though I didn't really want anything else in the bundle.