Brad Simon
- Thank you for providing sample pages; however, it might be more helpful if you could provide one complete sermon; rather than, the first three paragraphs of multiple sermons. I believe it is more helpful to see how the authors develops an entire sermon (including the level of discussion, number of illustrations, length, number of points, conservative vs. moderate vs. liberal, etc.) than how he introduces multiple sermons. A great writer may provide a great introduction, but have a weak sermon that follows. In the same way you can't judge a book by it's cover, you can judge a sermon by it's introduction.
- Is there any place where you provide a few sample pages? It is very difficult to make a decision without 5 or 10 sample pages. Also, I've noticed sample pages for other resources, and you only provide the first three paragraphs of each chapter. Again, this is not very helpful since many want to see how particular topics are discussed and developed, not how they are introduced. I would rather have one sample chapter than the introductory page of 10 chapters. A complete chapter gives you an idea of the book's content...the introductory pages only tell you if the author knows how to write. Some great writers have nothing to say, and some, who don't know how to write, have much to say.
- There are a lot of us in this camp. I too think a chapter would be useful. Also I would like less sales pitch that brags about the product and more truth about where it fits in a collection. Information like theological point of view, degree of depth and challenge for the target audience, thoroughness or time commitment to use this material, degree of foreign language inclusion, etc.
- Charles / Brad: I'm sorry I'm just now responding -- I just saw your comments. We're going to get more sample pages up soon -- thanks for the input. Charles: Regarding theological viewpoint, these are meant to be as unbiased as possible, focused on historical interpretation. The target audience is anyone with a high school education or higher. They are verse-by-verse, so go very deep into the material. They're written with biblical scholarship in mind, based on the text in the original languages. Also, we will refund you within 30 days, if you don't love them -- I think you will. ;-)
- Charles / Brad: We just listed more sample pages. I'm at john[at]logos[dot]com if you have any more questions.