Bruce Morrow
- Be warned, there is profanity. Really excited to have access to these tractates. Not excited to read Dr. Neusner's translation. Came across the 'F' word and about fell out of my seat. Not the only offensive translation choice. Unprofessional and clearly unnecessary in our receptor language.
- Thank you for the warning. Neusner's translations are quite dynamic (i.e., non-literal). I much prefer Danby's translation of the Mishnah to Neusner's, for example. Logos has another, much less expensive version of the Babyonian Talmud available (and included in a number of collections), and although I haven't compared it, I suspect it's a better translation than Neusner's would be (https://www.logos.com/product/10356/the-babylonian-talmud-or...).
- As is already clear, this resource is a 'go-to' theological compendium. It's methodology is unlike any other that I have seen. The one-volume package itself saves so much time in research and money in the voluminous citations it includes. If there was a theological volume I could recommend for young pastors seeking aids and tools this would be up on the top. Other theologies are critical but, they do not approach the study from the various and appreciated angles that this one does.