• Most of these resources are very old...there's been a lot of new scholarly research into the Qur'an's origins, and I agree with others that the Hadith ought to be included, an interlinear Qur'an, and even some of the early tafsir (commentary) would be very helpful.
    1. Good grief are you right! In my opinion this collection shouldn't just be faulted for its dated material but for shilling a collection of works that are clearly intended to cast, hmm at least doubt upon Muslims by reinforcing terribly wrong ideas! (eg comparing Jesus with Muhammad is something that no Muslim would find acceptable as it is a complete distortion of Islam)!)
    2. The very nature of Islam and the Quran, is a polemic against the Cross and against the Divine nature of Christ. In the Quran the crucifixion of Christ is denied and His Divine nature is vehemently denounced as evil. Should we not therefore investigate and expose the roots of Mohammed's anti-Bible doctrines? And we need resources to do so! This collection is not for the defence of Islam, it is to expose it. I expect Moslems of course, to want it removed as offensive.