Chris Reighley
- Read this as part of the Colson Fellows program. (How Now Shall We Live?) Wow, Chuch Colson nailed it. Our Christian Worldview is the way! I am afraid today that many Christians don't understand their worldview. Very enlightening book. If you are looking to understand what we are up against as Christians, it is a worldview issue, and this will be a great resource to examine that.
- Read this as part of the Colson Fellows program. Wow, Chuch Colson nailed it. Our Christian Worldview is the way! I am afraid today that many Christians don't understand their worldview. Very enlightening book. If you are looking to understand what we are up against as Christians, it is a worldview issue, and this will be a great resource to examine that.
- Read this as part of the Colson Fellows program. Wow, Chuch Colson nailed it. Our Christian Worldview is the way! I am afraid today that many Christians don't understand their worldview. Very enlightening book. If you are looking to understand what we are up against as Christians, it is a worldview issue, and this will be a great resource to examine that.