- All of the typos in this Logos edition really lowers the quality of this is otherwise great introductiory grammar to Biblical Aramaic. Sometimes the errors are obvious so you can spot them, but you are still left without the correct information that you bought the book to learn. Others are essentially undetectable unless you already know Aramaic, so it is a mind field for beginners who might waste their time learning wrong forms/vocabulary and then have to do double the work going back unlearning the errors and relearning the correct forms from another book. This really should be corrected.
- Look, I appreciate imaginative fiction as much as the next guy, especially with a Christian twist. But I really don't think it's helpful to speculate on what redemptive history would have been like if Jesus carried out his work of redemption in the South of 20th century America. In fact, it would do violence to redemptive history which required Jesus to be a Jew in the line of David, born under the Mosaic law to offer the active and passive obedience it requires on our behalf. I'm really hate being that guy who has to be all negative. I just think that what people need in the midst of their trials is the historical Gospel, not an imagined one that is stripped of its power because it has become unanchored in redemptive history. Good for a few laughs, but not for spiritual growth, in my opinion.
- My brother, I don't think Clarence was trying to re-write redemptive history in his work at all. He was making plain the social and political consequences of Christ's redemptive life and gospel for his own time and location--as best as he saw it. And that's not all that different from what folks do when they preach sermons from the Biblical text, and get to that point in the sermon where they say something like, "Now the significance of this text for us is ..." The fact that much of the Christian community that surrounded Clarence outside Koinonia Farm simply did not get those inevitable (in my mind) consequences from the gospel shows just how necessary something like his project was.
- I'm not surprised to see such good reviews of this book (not sure what happened with Rob). Just finished it and I feel like I finally understand Barth. Excellent distillation and explanation of the major themes and contexts of Barth's theology coupled with extensive and extended quotes from Barth himself. That alone would be enough to satisfy, but Klooster (a personal student of Barth no less) goes on to provide a brief but excellent appraisal of Barth from a biblical, historical theological, and Reformed perspective, as well as a comparison of Barth's theology with the Bultmanian liberalism he was supposed to be combating. Bottom line, if you want to understand Barth, his influence, and his context, this is the best place to start.
- Christian, this is helpful. I just bought Barth's Church Dogmatics. Maybe I'll pick up this next.
- Thanks PD! You've probably also seen the armchair theologian vole on Barth. That actually gives a volume by volume overview of CD, his Romerbrief, and the influential lecture in Germany that launched him into international fame (and more biographical information).
- I must admit I haven't read this book, but I can thoroughly recommend "Engaging with Barth - Contemporary evangelical critiques". Barth's influence on modern theology, especially in Germany, cannot be downplayed. And there's no doubt that much if it were helpful corrections in the wake of Protestant Liberalism. But some aspects are also highly problematic from an evangelical point of view, for example Barth's view on Scripture and the "Word of God".
- Sooooo good! Kingdom Prologue and The Structure of Biblical Authority changed my life. Can't wait to read the rest.
- Be sure to check out his lectures at http://www.meredithkline.com/.
- I'm excited to see this collection produced. The Shorter Catechism has been the primary tool for theological education among the Presbyterian and Reformed churches. The historical works, as well as the commentaries and sermons on it by Matthew Henry, John Brown, James Fisher, and Ashbel Green are particularly interesting.
- I have heard so many great things about this work and it's significance for understanding the relationship between the teaching of the Reformers and fully developed Reformed theology. Is the "Calvin against the Calvinists" thesis true? Polanus' Syntagma is apparently one of the most important primary sources for answering that question. I can't wait for this to be available in English. I'm preemptively giving this project 5 stars for awesomeness.