Cliff Stumpf
- I’m a Protestant but this book as answered many things that truly didn’t make sense about justification and sanctification in Protestant theology. I wasn’t necessarily against the doctrine of imputation because in some places in the Bible it does seem to fit some descriptions of initial justification. But then, I knew at the heart of the salvation message was also the subject of being transformed into the image of Christ which definitely fit with Jeremiah’s prophecy of God given us a new heart where he would write his laws and statues on the heart of the new believer in Christ. And this is fulfilled in the New Covenant put into place by the blood of Christ. So this new heart along with the Soirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death and free to live for God. It also made sense of Paul’s use of the word “works of the law” as referring to the whole of the law excluding the Ten Commandments which are still in place. I look forward to re-reading this book as it is probably the best book that truly describs Paul’s theology of the New Covenant making both Jew and Gentle partakers in the body of Christ through faith in Jesus Christ.