• The above video description stated that mobile ed.course lectures have been edited down to “digestible” segments, which leads me to conclude that, upon completing a course, this is why I have been left desiring that the course had been more in-depth. Now that I know that the original course lectures are more in-depth, is it possible to include the unedited lectures, or maybe offer an “Abridged” version and an “Unabridged” version, similar to the way books are published? Or perhaps, include the segments of the original version that are not considered “digestible” as segments that one could either skip or watch or listen to, but being completely the choice of the person taking the course? Especially if the course has been purchased. Yep. GO TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1. We deliberately aim for short segments because we believe that makes for more effective communication. The courses we release are already unabridged and complete in themselves.
    2. In case Joe's comment did not clarify: the digestible segments are not abridged segments. The course is complete. They break them out into small chunks. My preference would be to keep an entire unit whole, be it an hour or three hours, and listen through the whole part rather than keep going to the next few minute segment. But they must have their reasons.
    3. I just noticed this. I think there is an option on the video player to just play through to the next track... If I remember it's on the bottom and has an arrow of some type to toggle through the options. This would accomplish keeping it going if you want to watch multiple segments at a time. It just has logical thought completion places so if someone wants to stop... also, there are activities and readings on each section where you can deep dive. It's not just video...
  • If you are witnessing to a Roman Catholic friend, then you NEED this book!! I first bought this book in 1998, and it has been an AWESOME resource for revealing what the RCC teaches about itself and how it is a separate entity, foreign to the body of Christ. A MUST HAVE!!!!!!!
    1. If you want to make enemies, this book will help you. If you want to lead Souls to Christ, you can actually use the Catechism and preach the Gospel to them. For example the Catechism teaches, that Baptism is not enough for salvations. It clearly declares, that FAITH is necessary for salvation. The person who mainly wrote the Catechism, Cardinal Schoenborn of Vienna, has been in the Catholic Charismatic renewal for many decades. He helped the evangelical and pentecostal churches in Austria to become recognized officially by the Gouvernement.