David A. deSilva
Ashland Theological Seminary
- It's exciting to see this available for Logos. I haven't myself purchased it, so my rating is based simply on my joy to see Faithlife expending the resources to make these classic texts more accessible. If you're reading this, you're probably enough of an Andrewes aficionado to enjoy an article I wrote ages ago, “The Feast in the Text: The Sermons of Lancelot Andrewes,” Anglican Theological Review 76 (1994) 9-26. I think a .pdf may be floating around online somewhere. I hope we may yet see the sermons of John Donne and perhaps even those of Jeremy Taylor appear in the Logos library!
- I find the mediocre reviews here hard to understand (except for the annoying problem of dates mentioned by Caleb below -- let's get that fixed up if we haven't already!). I think this is a great point of entry into the NT world. It covers a great deal of ground in a short compass, is written accessibly and even winsomely, and has great bibliography (though dated now, admittedly). I recommend it still to my students, along with Everett Ferguson's more comprehensive book on backgrounds (the better choice for the more motivated readers/learners).