David Taylor, Jr.
- I'm very confused, this resource doesn't seem like it is finished or put together correctly in Logos. For example, going through Genesis it jumps from Genesis 3 to Noah without any instructions to actually go to that section of Genesis for reading. Poorly put together. Is the print version like this?
- Unfortunately, yes. I was so disappointed with the printed versions. I put them somewhere and now I can’t find them. That was one book for the New Testament and one book for the Old Testament. I wanted to give you a more accurate description of the books. As I recall , they were mostly blank with a few prompts on the page. I did not consider them Bible Study. If I find the books, I will come back and make a more accurate post.
- Just finished going through the Philippians edition of the Life Change Series. It was an excellent read and great and thoughtful questions to point you back to the biblical text and really dig deep into the Word. I have spent the last month and a half in Paul's Letter to the Philippians and have gained insights not previously discovered. I recommend this resource to anyone.
- 40 Questions About Arminianism is a must-read for anyone who takes part in the debate between Calvinism and Arminianism. Yes, both sides of the fence need to read this book. Dr. Pinson does an excellent job of laying at the history of Arminian belief as well as showing different “sects” of Arminianism. I greatly appreciated his handling of prominent Arminians, such as John Wesley, and how they viewed different doctrines. Questions 10 and 11 are particularly good reads with regards to the atonement and justification. Throughout the book, Dr. Pinson provides great documentation for the various positions and history of Arminianism. He goes into great detail to explain concepts as well as giving a fair treatment of the Calvinist position on various topics. While I do not agree with everything in the book, Dr. Pinson is fair but unashamedly Arminian. For the Arminian reading this book, you will learn more about the storied history of your theological position. For the Calvinist reading this book, you will learn some things that may surprise you and find that we have much more in common with Arminius than you might think. You will also learn that many Arminians throughout history were not really representative of Arminius at all. The book, while academic in nature, is an easy read. It is an accessible, useful, and relevant resource that any Christian would be wise to have in their library. I congratulate Dr. Pinson on his thorough work, and thank him for the thoughtful and friendly exchanges we have enjoyed over the last few weeks. I am happy to commend this book to you with four out of five stars. I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a fair review. https://reformedtruths.com/2022/05/16/40-questions-about-arminianism-revisited/
- The LifeChange series by the Navigators is a great tool for anyone who wants to sit down and do serious Bible Study in a guided fashion. The series does an excellent job of pointing you to the text and giving you historical background, cultural hits, and other tips along the way. If you have never done in-depth study of a whole book of the Bible, or even if you have and just want something fresh, I highly recommend this series of studies to you.