• “Morey compares the Bible to the Qur'an, Jesus to Muhammad, and God to Allah. He explores the history and customs of Islam, as well as religious freedom and the role of women in Islam. Revised to include appendices on the Hadith and the pagan origins of Islam.” There’s so much wrong with this approach it’s astounding. First, the appropriate comparison is not Bible:Quran::Jesus:Muhammad. For one thing, Muslims would say the prophet isn’t considered divine, and so Jesus in the Christian understanding is not like Muhammad. More importantly, Jesus is for Christians the clearest revelation of God, and what is that in Islam? It’s not Muhammad. It’s the Quran. Secondly, pagan origins? Muhammad was actually trying to move the Arabian peninsula away from multiplicity of tribal deities and towards the God of the Jews and the Christians (psst...it says this in the Quran!). He believed the two had misunderstood the Abrahamic God, but he didn’t seek to create something that was pagan. That’s what he wanted to lead people away from. It’s understandable if one wants to defend a Christian view, but do it honestly and accurately. Don’t mischaracterize another religion to serve your own ends. I’m pretty shocked logos even gives this book airtime.
    1. A bit more on the author: “In 2004, Faith Theological Seminary asked Morey to return his doctorate while the school determined whether he had earned it. When Morey accused Faith principal Timotheus Nasir of being a Muslim, the school revoked Morey’s doctorate “in the light of his un-Christian behavior, [and] below-Christian-standard Christian services that have brought sham [sic] to Christianity and his ignorance to the Word of God.” What’s more, according to Nasir, Morey’s doctorate was never legitimate in the first place. “We categorically deny the claim of Robert Morey. We did not award any certification or degree to him,” Nasir told the Weekly via e-mail. “The degree he claims was not initiated from Pakistan. Thus the degree he claims is ‘Forged and Fake.’” Morey also claims to have received a doctorate from Louisiana Baptist University. Two problems: LBU is unaccredited by the United States government, which means no serious academy would recognize it. Then there’s this: LBU doesn’t offer a Ph.D. in Islamic studies.” https://web.archive.org/web/20061117155419/http://www.ocweekly.com/news/news/dr-jihad/24608/ and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Morey_(pastor) i will be contacting logos to ask why they are allowing what amounts to hate speech on their platform.
  • As a logos book, it's excellent (five stars). Easy to search and affordable. As a book written by Cornelius van til that completely misunderstands and maligns Barth (1star)...typically awful
    1. This has been gathering interest for at least two years now...any hope of progress?
      1. Dear Logos, Long time devoted user - first time complainer (usually accordance deserves my ire more than faith life!) At least with Logos you get what you pay for, and your PB tools have become immensely helpful for translating texts as a PhD student. However, this collection, and the other 'resources' on Islam are appalling. Not only are they so dated as to be useless, they are so evidently biased and inaccurate as to be dangerous! Seriously, it's really pathetic that you are pushing a collection that was mostly published before 1904, ya know, back when people called Muslims Mohammadians or spelled it 'Mohamet'. This collection- and frankly most of your resources on Islam - are biased and misleading. I have yet to see one thing, except maybe the mediocre versions of the Quran that are not aimed at converting Muslims or explaining the 'insidious rise and spread of Islam'. It is beneath you as a company that produces reliable, scholarly digital works to peddle such crap. Really, it makes me embarrassed that I have bought so many of your products!
        1. This collection is an excellent resource! The job of Christian preachers is to expose Islam, not to protect Islam. Ephesians 5:11 ~ "And do not participate in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead even expose them." At the core of Islam and of the Quran itself, is the denial of the crucifixion and of the Divinity of Christ. How do you suppose Christians can appeace Islam? It can't happen except Christians are prepared to shift grounds about Christ. It is necessary to expose Islam for what it is, and this is why this collection is very important for the Christian reader. When did it become a sin to convert a Moslem to Christianity? Is this not the task given us by Jesus Christ? Let us never forget this fact. If you personally don't like this collection you could just ignore it, while others who appreciate it will be so glad to buy it.