Earl R Click Jr
- Please will you explain why it is a bad book?
- I see a to many statements that are opinion, based on what I think is a very narrow slice of the apostles and prophets in the church. They use the term NAR almost as a curse word never having anything good to say about it. If you look at enough data with a predetermined agenda you can find a way to say anything you want about any group. For example; If I read about some pedophiles in the Baptist group I wouldn't clump all Baptists into that pigeon hole, it seems that they would. That, to me, appears to be the authors methodology for apostles and prophets.
- Cant understand why the digital costs as much as the print but than again I am clueless about the cost to digitize books. Is there an advantage to the digital other than its always there?
- Hi . I don't know about these training volumes, but the regular Logos books require manual work by a technician to build in all the links that make the books so useful in the Logos software. I have noticed a significant difference in Logos books, when compared to Vyrso books which are generated automatically using software. The Vyrso books are cheaper but not as full featured. But, I am grateful for having Vyrso books available that would never justify the work to make them into Logos books, because Logos is such a great platform for reading, compared to my Kindle.
- I am sure these manuals are created in the digital form (MS Word, Acrobat, etc...) to start with and them printed. Digital manuals should be cheaper since there is no cost to have them printed or shipping cost which is usually passed on to the consumer. What I don't like is that they want the same price for the digital manuals even if you already bought the printed manuals. Pay twice full price.
- Essentially, every print book is digitized before it becomes a print book, so yes, digitized books should be lower cost than print.