• I am in the process of reading all 40 volumes cover-to-cover. The authors seem to have agreed to look for the Gospel of God's grace, mercy, goodness, forgiveness, and praise in every verse where even a hint of grace is found. I am currently reading through Raymond C. Ortlund, Jr.'s commentary titled Isaiah - God Saves Sinners. Although Isaiah has long been one of my favorite OT books, I am now seeing God's grace in places I never imagined before. Praise the Lord for this wonderful devotional series. Ed Walsh
    1. The "Marrow" is a delightful book on striking a balance between legalism and antinomianism. It being a discourse between the following fictional characters: EVANGELISTA, a Minister of the Gospel; NOMISTA, a Legalist; ANTINOMISTA, an Antinomian; and NEOPHYTUS, a Young Christian. This book includes extensive annotation By Thomas Boston. The Marrow became an important historical document that was both praised and denounced, but never ignored by early seventeenth century Scottish Christianity. Everyone should read this book at least once.
      1. Awsome! The Greek terms in the index are all transliterated which makes it easier for me to find the words I want to study. Just random (or methodical) reading of these terms helps you grow in your knowledge of these important ideas in their original languages. I am just getting started but I love it so far.
        1. Hi, This is Ed Walsh from www.Reformed.org, and I am having a wonderful experience with my recent update to Logos 6. Logos is in a class by itself. What amazes me most is the seemingly unending interactivity between its many features. I don’t think I am overstating it when I say that Logos is changing my life. And I am 63 years old. Rather than repeat myself here, let me point you to my take on Logos 5 and 6 at Reformed.org http://www.reformed.org/bible_tools/logos.html I give Logos the full 5 stars, or 6 if that were possible. Thanks for all your hard work developing this marvelous resource. Ed