Evan Caddy
- For whatever reason, the apparatus is incomplete. I'm working in Daniel, and I had to look at the Leiden apparatus for that book elsewhere. The books present are: Pentateuch, Kings, Chronicles, Song of Songs, Isaiah, 12 Prophets, 4 Maccabees. No Joshua, Judges or Samuel; most of the Writings are missing, and the Apocrypha are all but non-existent. Be careful what you want access to when buying this, because chances are you're better off just asking a colleague or librarian.
- On closer inspection, that's probably due to it coming from the 1876 edition—evidently lacking a lot!
- Typos are a little more frequent than I'd like, and the fact that you can get the Greek text and a translation in the Perseus Classics Collection for free (https://www.logos.com/product/9940/perseus-classics-collection) makes me think this is mostly a waste of money. Functional as a text, though.
- I guess Logos removed the Greek text of the Iliad from the Perseus collection. It isn't on there anymore, sadly. This makes me want to buy this text.