• Is this a reader edition or full blown research edition? The promo does not seem to say.
    1. , this is a Logos Research Edition.
    2. This discussion has raised a number of questions about the angelic rebellion. Was it a single, initial event with the consequences explained over time? Or were there multiple events as some may have been persuaded to rebel over time? We are clearly aware of Satan's activities in Eden. Was this the 1st rebellious act or had Satan already fallen and did he fall alone? Next, we see the rebellion of Gen 6.1-4 which resulted in their imprisonment in hell (2Pet 2.4) Was this a 2nd rebellion perhaps influenced by a persuasive Lucifer, or was this just an event the already fallen ones entered into? The next question concerns the aftermath of Babel where God put angels in charge of the nations. Were they fallen when they were assigned their duties, and if not, when did they fall and was this a separate rebellion from Lucifer's and the angels in Gen 6.1-4? It almost looks like a rebellion that has been growing throughout history. My final question is when did Satan become the ruler (prince) of this world? Even though the earth is the Lord's, Jesus and the apostles refer to him as a prince. We know God gave authority to certain angels over the nations, but when did Satan become ruler of this world? Hi I just wanna ask did you get your answer on the above questions you have asked? I’m keen to learn more. Thank you.
  • Great deal, but I did not read closely.It said it came with Logos 8 and I figured it came with all the features of Logos 8. And of course, some of the ones I was expecting are not included. Wish it was more clear up front in the advertising. But maybe my excitement got he better of me. Still give it 4 stars just for the bargain.
    1. I get your point now, I thought I was a son, but I need to make one more, just one more, upgrade, haha! (i still need to pay 54.28$ (90% off, reg 599.99 only 54.28 for me now) haha more to get real logos 8, haha) my jokes are always so true and funny that they make fun of me too.... and I am gonna do it!
    2. I will not do it, but I got like 15 things I could return still worth many 100s of $$ (bdag, etc) within the 30 day window...to pay for this last fix.. and hold out for a super black Friday double or nothing flash deal to come!
    3. actually the joke is on them as now I get the greek NT discourse part too, as I once bought both, Hebrew and greek, as the complete lexham discourse bible for 105$, so, now I get the greek back too! So, my past refund comes back to pay for it and more! I actually got it 2x and refunded 2x, and heard somewhere that is not allowed! ;) I kept buying so much when I returned things, so more than less meant those rules did not apply to me..
  • I am just a layman who loves to study the Bible and occasionally get a chance to teach a few hungry souls from time to time. I have discovered that over the decades I have been on this earth, that I am one of those people who study the Bible much more than the average person in the pew. When "Unseen Realm" came out I quickly dismissed it as something I had already studied years ago. Then I read a Logos blog about the book and realized it was much more than I thought it was going to be. I bought the book and first read it through, then spent the next year studying it, checking cross references, footnotes, and the authors additional notes on the website. This has been one of the most rewarding studies I have ever done. I felt pretty secure in my understanding of the OT. After thoroughly studying this book it is as if my black and white picture of the OT has been transformed into high definition color. Get this book, roll up your sleeves, and dig in. The time spent studying this gem as opposed to just reading it is time well spent. You will reap much more than what you put into it.
    1. I'm reading a lot of complaints that seem to me based on incorrect information. We do not have to pay for upgrades to keep using our books every year or two. Upgrades are an option for people who want a little bit more convenience and utilities. If you are happy with the version of Logos you currently use, don't fix it. Be happy and keep enjoying it. I do not get every upgrade that comes around. I usually skip one buy one. I buy because the extra abilities offered are worth the money that I dish out. I pass them up when It does not seem such a great deal to me. I'll be passing this one up as I have at other times because I would not use the new gadgets enough to justify the price. Version 8 may be a different story, but until then IMHO Logos is still the best and I will continue using and enjoying my humble version 6.
      1. I had maps and all kinds of neat stuff when I purchased Logos 4, and crossgraded to 5, then got the free engine for 6, but no datasets. People, places, and Things disappeared, and if I want maps, Logos says I have to buy them. But I had them in 4 when I purchased the Platinum version (before Diamond came out). So I have had things I can no longer use now. The difficulty is that most of us can't afford to upgrade every time they have one. And not only do we lose out on the datsets, we lose stuff we paid for.
      2. Agreed and good clarification for others. I'm perfectly happy staying with Logos 6 for now. However, I do have issues with some of their business and marketing practices, but that's a separate issue.
      3. Hi , I like your idea of only upgrading every other time or so. Have you made a decision on Logos 8 yet? I am still holding out, not sure for how long.
    2. A great book that addresses some of the more extreme teachings about "Christian psychology", "health, wealth and prosperity gospel", casting out demons and more. Some teach Jesus is the means by which we get...fill in the blank. MacArthur clearly shows that Jesus is all we need.
        1. Same question.
      1. Began reading Biblical Hermeneutics thinking as a layman, that I had a pretty good handle on how to interpret Scripture. Being fairly well read, I was actually just regurgitating the latest book I had read. Not being seminary trained, this book more than any other single work, gave me the tools to read and understand the Bible intelligently, and to explain to others sound methods of interpretation in the Bible as well as all literature. Looking forward to the Logos edition coming out this week.