Gary Whitfield
- Youi call it a feature set but in actuality it is just another package filled with useless books. That is dishonest. You give us no option to get just the features. I upgraded platinum a few versions ago but the last purchase I made was just the feature set when it was just a feature set. I was a strong supporter of Logos for many years but today I would not recommend it to someone just starting out. You need to build a more cost effective product.
- Gary, thank you for your investment with Logos. The features are available without the additional resources at I have also sent you a message offline.
- I do appreciate the information the books however I have found Olive Tree always less expensive and available off line. Probably not fair to say all the books are useless as we are all drawn by different areas of interest.
- Logos does have a greater range I have to say.
- I have used the print version of his "A Critical Lexicon and Concordance" for 40 years. I wore out one and needed to buy another. Never needed a Strongs because of this great work. E.W. Bullinger was a great scholar and his published works continue in printed form to this day. I own several of his other books, and will buy even more. The world was greatly blessed by his life.
- Thanks Gary. I just ordered the CD of Bullinger's Companion Bible from the link you posted. It looks like the Critical Lexicon and Concordance will eventually be published, since the community pricing percentage is now approaching 90%. I hope that some day, Logos will produce an edition of Bullinger's Companion Bible
- I own a print copy of Companion Bible and have loved it for years. My mother has owned her copy since 1979, the year I was born!
- Love the Companion Bible. I use it all the time in sermon preparation. Thanks Gary for the link.