Greg Crocker
- The interlinear, tagged version has not been completely released. I think that needs to happen before they properly map highlights. The NT has been published, so check if that is working yet. It is working in my account.
- This books can already be highlighted individually like any other Logos book can. But if you want to use the Corresponding Notes and Highlights feature in this resource, that is currently only available in the New Testament for users like yourself who also own the Reverse Interlinear for this Bible version. The Old Testament functionality will be added in the future. Further information about the Corresponding Notes and Highlights feature can be found in the training video on this page. If you need further help with this, please contact us at 800-875-6467 or at customerservice@faithlife.com. https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360025819851-Notes-and-Highlights-Videos
- I own this resource but can't for the life of me figure out why I can't use the Interlinear for the NT in my account? Others supposedly can use the interlinear for the NT, but I cannot. I've purchased the resource above, yet still no interlinear. Please help. I understand the tagged OT hasn't been released yet.