- Please do not be so ignorant ...Nor pretend to be... your outlines in dogmatic theology is not I repeat is not 3 volumes... it is 3 books in one volume...one stand alone book is a volume but three books combined between a front and back cover is not nor can be 3 volumes... it is called 3 stand alone books or three books in one volume... it is also not funny when your ignorant staff can be heard laughing at who they think is the ignorant one.. please raise your standards for staff... you're an embarrassment at this point... Thank you..
- https://www.logos.com/resources/LLS_OUTLDOGTHEO/outlines-of-dogmatic-theology It is a three volume dogmatic theology textbook.
- I have seen these art works in other collections where they were displayed in full color.. they are definitely fascinating.. Do you think we can get them in color at some later date.. I mean perhaps an upgrade of this art series... the colors are fantastic... Pure Roman Catholic colors and art work... the worlds best bar none... I think we can all agree with that...
- I am very proud and happy with my CJB.. In fact, for a brief moment I hoped for the same update that you have given to at least 2 other bibles which you provide... We actually had to do nothing. The update came from Logos as soon as we opened up the program and after the updates release.. all automatically.. But actually I enjoy looking up the changes made to Bibles when they are updated, and so having thought better, now I hope that you will also release the 2016 updated Complete Jewish STUDY BIBLE as a separate Bible.. In the new version Stern even removed some Yiddish terms and simply used the english word.. since I enjoy learning the Yiddish also I will keep recommending the old CJB along with the updated for their own reasons.. Even if you update he old version for us, "on the house", please keep the old version as an alternative for sale.. I believe there are others like me that enjoy the older forms as much if not more than the newer Bible versions.. and it will sell... Let's talk about it...
- I agree wholeheartedly.. keep both...