Jan Áki Andreasen
Give Baptistchurch
- English is not my first language, and there are only two translations in my language. I compare the translations in my language with the LSB, and it surprise me how often I find translation mistakes in my language translations. I am really happy that I can have a trustworthy, reliable and consistent translation, like the LSB, that helps me better understand the inerrant and infallible word of God.
- I'm really happy to see this deal :-) But, it saddens me greatly, that LOGOS didn't "fight" hard enough with the Moody Publishers on getting the last volumes of the MacArthur New Testament Commentary onboard LOGOS - it's painstaking to only have about 80 % of the whole set, and knowing that the rest won't come :-( Fix that problem, and you'll 5 stars!
- This describes my situation exactly! I have all that they purchased , even the first volume of Luke but never to complete it breaks my heart.
- Isn't that the business model...
- Agreed!