• Horrible. Absolutely horrible. What you see in the sample pages is NOT what you are buying...the few hymnals with music look like they were scanned on a 300dpi scan setting. Because of the low quality some are almost unplayable if printed and given to an organist. For example: the above example from the "Songs for the King's Business" hymn #2 is relatively clean and neat in the sample above. What you get in the actual is far more blurry and lower quality. I would thing that whatever the sample is, the final product would be equal or better that that!!!!! To make this package worse, most of the "hymnals" or "song books" do not have any music which leaves me wondering how were these sung? Having the words alone are great if you are doing research on theological themes in hymns but then the ones that do the low quality music is a picture so you cannot do a word search on it which renders it useless in searches. Come on Logos, you really dropped the ball on this one! I could have done a better job using Paint!
    1. I like pretty much anything J Stott wrote - but I would like to see what is inside before putting my money down.
      1. Note, it's quotes, illustrations, and prayers put together by another author so it's not clear how much of Stott you get or how good this really is... as you can't see it (no preview) and you don't know how many pages it has (not listed)... in fact, it could be only 40-50 pages.
      1. Did they ever answer if it was there?
      2. This is the "biblical" scrolls – 4Q521 is a sectarian document. Like you, I'd love to see Logos do the sectarian documents as well
    2. I like the Concordance tool but not enough to justify the additional cost of $89/year..... I like the way Logos is improving their software and products, but there comes a time where after spending close to $1,000 on the base package and add-ons that I have to stop and simply use what I have and forgo additional purchases.
      1. I so agree.
      2. Me too. Price is getting ridiculous. I've been with Logos since their first days so I can't even guess, how much money I have invested in this product. I certainly can't go much further.
      3. It amazes me how people don't take the time to understand what they are talking about. This is simple. Don't want access to these features now? Then do not subscribe and wait as usual, as you have always done in the past, for the next upgrade of the app (Logos 7). Logos now is just for those of us who do not want to wait and get it now.
    3. I had the honor of taking a class at Gordon Conwell with Dr. Hugenberger and he is nothing short of remarkable. The same goes for his book (I have read the printed edition) as it is chocked full of marital insight from Malachi that often goes unnoticed. He writes in a scholarly way but is very understandable and a delight to read. He presents a solid, Biblical perspective of how God intends marriage and this is a must-have when doing marital and pre-marital counseling!
      1. I wish this was in production already! Hugenberger is phenomenal!
    4. that's it? 30 seconds?