- Given that bidding is due to end on 11th July, I hope this package will become viable at the $60 price level. That would be a great bargain for 13 hours of video-based training plus transcripts from pretty much anyone, let alone a scholar of Ben Witherington's stature.
- It is a good idea- and I might buy others- if, and only if they are put on CP.
- What is special about these issues? I read them some time ago in a scanned format in date order. It enabled me to absorb a little of what it was the be a member of that small group who, after the great disappointment, did not reject the basic interpretation of prophecy by William Miller but instead re-interpreted their understanding of it. In some issues there are short letters by those who spent their means in travelling to visit their fellow believers, nourishing them in ‘The Truth’ and also baptising some. One can see the pressures to reject the Shut Door theory beginning to grow. An interesting read. A steal at $8!
- Hey JohnB, while these might not be of interest to everyone, I think it would be useful for someone interested in both denomination history or development of beliefs. I remember from classes I took at Andrews where having access to this material would have proven useful. Even post-seminary I can see times where teaching SDA history even in our local congregations would be valuable.
- My father picked up an old copy from the library of a deceased minister after ministerial students had cherry picked. They missed a pearl. In some ways it is the nearest one can get to traveling the Holy Land in person in Christ's time. I had been wondering about OCRing my copy to convert it as a Personal Book to Logos.