• Logos description: “Designed for: Everyday Christians, Small group leaders and Sunday school teachers.” Google search: Messianic Jewish people worship on Shabbat, which is usually on Saturday. Shabbat is the seventh day of the week, and it begins at sundown on Friday and ends at sundown on Saturday. Logos unfortunately doesn’t do basic research as to their various church/denominations that may use their site! Why do you have Sunday school listed for a denomination that worships on Saturday and not Sunday! I’m a Seventh Day Adventist, SDA, and you have done the same thing on the SDA version. We also do not have Sunday school, as we worship on the Sabbath which is Saturday as is the fourth commandment, the seventh day of the week!
    1. The Sabbath is the seventh day of the week which is Saturday. Always has been and always will be. It’s in the Ten Commandments. And numerous verses in the New Testament say to keep the commandments. You don’t just get to keep nine of the commandments, you’re supposed to keep all ten!
      1. Very true. I think this topic is going to be a part of the mark of the beast. When the church-government takes control they will force Sunday as sabbath and those who accept that will be marked. Just my thought but it definitely is that important.
    2. In the introduction to this, the SDA version, you mention Sunday school teachers. As this edition is tailored to the SDA denomination I think you would be aware that we worship on the Sabbath which is Saturday. You really should update the description from Sunday school teachers to Sabbath school teachers. You have Doug Batchelor’s name listed who is a well known SDA pastor in the recommended section so I think it would be fairly easy to change Sunday to Sabbath for this version.
      1. In the Messianic Jews version it doesn’t list Sunday school and is tailored to Messianic Jews. Please update the SDA version to be tailored to the SDA denomination.
      2. Mr. Carpenter, Thank you for your suggestion. I have updated the product pages for SDA Bronze, SDA Silver, and SDA Gold to say "Sabbath School teachers" instead of "Sunday School teachers". My apology for the error!
      3. Thank you Daniel, much appreciated!