Jon A Covey
Chaplain • Gospel Rescue Mission
- This was one of the books used in the second year of Greek at Talbot. It was helpful to understand the finer distinctions of Greek grammar. As David Black promised in his forwards, he used uncomplicated English explanations to help the students understand the fine points of Greek grammar. This is important because earlier writers used stilted language that made it more difficult than necessary to explain biblical concepts. When earlier writers, like Lewis Sperry Chafer in his Systematic Theology, wrote about complicated theological issues, they often used unnecessarily wordy, grandiloquent language to explain their subject. Black avoids that kind of blubber to teach Greek grammar to second-year Greek students.
- I'm impressed by the articles written by Drs. Packer and France. They are very informative, helping me to see why Peter, Paul, and Jude referred to non-canonical writings. Dr. France said that to do proper exegesis, understanding the cultural and literary environment of these apostles helps us to understand why the referred to things like baptism of the dead, and the Assumption of Moses.