Jonathan wilts
- I have found it to be very liberal at times, and absolutely pointless at others with small nuggets of useful information tucked in here or there. Probably a great commentary if your goal is to empty your pews out and put people to sleep.
- Wow. Don't forget that a commentary is for research. This commentary will not spoon feed you conservative Biblical ideas, but it is very useful for any serious student of the Bible no matter your political or theological leaning.
- Wow, as well. Best textual commentary I've seen. Not for spoon feeding. But some of the best scholarship available today.
- I am a Bible translator, and this set (unless there is a NIGTC volume) is usually the commentary I consult first for exegetical information I need. Evangelical, in the sense that even evangelicals at times swallow liberal critical presuppositions in their scholarship. I do not have to (just like the ICC series has good lexical information, as I skip over their historical and source criticism).