• As others have said, I am disappointed that not only do people still take the ISR seriously, but that Logos would publish such a destructive and heretical work. The original editor was what many consider a "sacred-name-only" proponent, refusing to include common English words like "Christ", "church", "altar", and even "God" & "Lord" so that "words and names, as far as possible, have been corrected in order to eliminate any names of idolatrous origin." This translation makes a point to promote a low Christology, such as its butchering of Romans 10:9—"That if you confess with your mouth the Master יהושע and believe in your heart that Elohim has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved." and Titus 2:13's use of the Granville Sharp Rule—"13looking for the blessed expectation and esteemed appearance of the great Elohim and our Saviour יהושע Messiah," This "translation" is psudoscholarship and should not be featured on Logos, as its intention is to dissuade faithful members of the Church to forsake true, biblical Christology and to embrace the everything-is-pagan conspiracies riddling the internet.
    1. Katie Hoyle here - When I fully understood that LORD, in English, replaced our Heavenly Father's name I was so upset. I confirmed this when I looked at Strong's Enhanced Lexicon. I feel I was led to this by the Holy Spirit as I was studying the Scriptures. When I researched the name Baal and learned that it meant Lord I was even more upset. Why does Baal get his name out there and our Heavenly Father's name is removed. I am thankful that ISR lets each person use the name of our Heavenly Father by inserting the Hebrew designation. I also appreciate understanding that God in English is not always accurate. God could represent Elohim which is plural, El, Eloah and Elan. My NASB is telling me any of this......
    2. So in other words, you have a problem that this version doesn't conform to typical organized religion nonsense. "Christology" isn't biblical, but just a series of manmade doctrines. What are you, protestant or catholic? Both of these religions are 'heretical' in every sense of the word. The "scholarly elite" does not have a hold on what truth necessitates.
    3. In all due respect, Christology is just the study of Christ, just as Soteriology is the study of salvation, and so on. No one is trying to make anything up, much less heretical, when studying about Christ. I'm surprised there is so much attacking one another between brothers of Christ. This isn't what Christ calls us to. We are to be kind and respectful to one another, even in disagreements. I pray humility will prevail. Blessings to all of you!